Remarks by His Excellency Moosa Zameer, Minister of Foreign Affairs at the UNGA79 Side Event "Renewable Energy Transition for Resilient SIDS"
بســم اللّـه الرّحمـن الرّحيــم
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.
The data is undeniable. The reports are clear.
For SIDS, the only target now is building resilience.
Whether it is resilience to climate change, resilience to disasters, or even resilience to external shocks, SIDS must build their adaptation capacity.
As you have heard just now, one way in which the Maldives is building resilience is by transitioning to renewable energy. This will increase our energy security. Increase resources available for other sustainable development projects. And, it will increase our ability to survive.
Most importantly. It will give us hope. Hope for a better and cleaner future. A future where our children and their children can also enjoy the sun, sand and sea, that our forefathers, and we, have enjoyed for so long.
That is why, I am happy to have heard the commitment of our partners to help support the transition to renewable energy , not just in the Maldives, but across the globe.
We urge more partners to help support Small Island Developing States, like the Maldives and other developing states to transition to renewable energy.
To realise this renewable future, what we need is willingness. Willingness at the political level and at the technical level. Willingness to act. Willingness to deliver.
Much like the steam engine powered the Industrial Revolution renewable energy holds the potential for a new revolution. A revolution that is cleaner, sustainable and resilient.
The Maldives stands ready to share the lessons learned and share our expertise in renewable energy transition for SIDS.
We welcome more SIDS, and more developing countries to consider renewable energy transition, not only as a response to climate change but as a viable path towards development and resiliency.
Join us, in this new revolution.
I thank you.