UNGA Statements

UNGA67 (2012)

Statement on Oceans and Law of the Sea by Hassan Hussain Shihab

Mr. President,

I am delighted to be making this statement today on behalf of the delegation of Maldives under agenda item 75 on oceans and the law of the sea.

At the outset, I would like to express our appreciation to the United Nations Division on Oceans and the Law of the Sea for its continued support and dedicated work on oceans issues.

Mr. President,

The Maldives would first like to begin by taking note of this year’s debate on this agenda item which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and also the 20th Anniversary of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. These two anniversaries remind us the importance of emphasizing the linkage between these two fields, as well as the need to stress the importance of conservation and sustainable use of oceans.

The Maldives, like many other SIDS, is a coastal state whose economy depends on its marine resources. Given that tourism and fisheries remain our two biggest industries, preserving our oceans therefore constitutes the basis for our country’s economic, social and environmental development.  We are pleased that the Oceans section of the Rio+20 outcome document took note of the importance of oceans and of the legal framework provided by UNCLOS. The provisions on sustainable tourism and the protection of coral reefs are particularly welcomed as the Maldives continues to fight the effects of anthropogenic climate change, which include sea level rise, coastal erosion, ocean acidification and coral bleaching. We remain deeply concerned about overfishing; illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; discards, bycatch, perverse government subsidies; ineffective fisheries governance; overcapacity and biodiversity loss.

Mr. President,

The Maldives welcomes the Secretary General’s ocean initiative launched on 12 August this year in the Republic of Korea to deliver the ocean related mandates consistent with Rio’s outcome document in a more coherent and effective manner. We hope that this initiative will create a platform for all stakeholders at the national and international levels to collaborate and accelerate progress in the achievement of our common goals. Preserving the oceans through protection and sustainable use is vital for the wellbeing of our future generations.

The Maldives is deeply concerned that current international efforts are not enough to meet the target of restoring fish stocks to their maximum sustainable yields by 2015. Including the reversal of biodiversity loss in the oceans, and the elimination of destructive fishing practices decided in the World Sustainable Summit. The world has missed the 2010 target to achieve a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national levels. Current trends show that the loss of species will continue throughout this century, with increasing risk of dramatic shifts in ecosystems. The Maldives therefore calls upon all member states to renew their political commitments to find an urgent solution for biodiversity loss.

In this regard, Maldives declared Baa Atoll as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve on 28 June 2011. The designation of Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve signals the commitment of the people to manage it sustainably, by achieving the three functions of the Biosphere Reserve, namely conservation, sustainable development and learning. In addition, President Waheed announced at Rio+20 that we will make the whole of the Maldives a Biosphere Reserve by 2017. The initial work needed to achieve this ambitious goal is ongoing.

The Maldives believes there is a need for further commitment by States in enforcing regional agreements on the management of ocean resources. This could provide more capacity to Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and make them better equipped in ensuring the sustainable management of our oceans. Given the strategies contained in the Oceans Compact, we are keen to see results that display an increase in the sustainable management of ocean resources and a general improvement in the health of our oceans.

Mr. President,

We take note of the Secretary General’s report, contained in Document A/67/79, focusing on the importance of marine renewable energy.  The report stressed the fact that SIDS ‘are well placed to benefit from ocean thermal energy conversion, and focuses on the fact that there has been a requirement for the development of marine renewables since the first Rio conference in 1992. The call for the development of renewable energy alternatives is indeed a viable option to escape climate change, rising oil prices and also answers increasing energy demands. Unfortunately, SIDS such as the Maldives do not have sufficient resources to ensure a complete transition to a green economy and therefore remain in dire need of outside investment to develop these renewable energy options, thereby sustaining a greening of our economy. For this reason, we reiterate our urgent call for assistance in the development of marine renewable energy.

In conclusion, Mr. President, the protection and sustainable use of marine resources for SIDS like the Maldives represent a key part of our sustainable development. It is, by now, a well-recognized fact that oceans occupy a part in the economy of each state across the globe.  It is therefore inexcusable for any state to ignore its duties in ensuring the protection of these resources and their sustainable use for the benefit of future generations.

Thank you.

Statement on the Question of Palestine

Mr. President,

On this historic occasion in 1947, the General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (II) on the partition of Palestine, thus, creating one of the most complex and elusive challenges that the modern world has faced so far. Yet again, we find ourselves in this very hall, lamenting the lack of progress in a now moribund peace process, and decrying the deficiency of international political will to help realize what was conceived all those years ago – a story of two states, a world where both Palestine and Israel could co-exist, within secure and recognized borders.

As we mark the ‘International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”, I wish to reiterate the solidarity of my Government and that of all Maldivians, for the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination. Even in this difficult hour, as smoke rises from the ruins of Gaza, and the grave humanitarian crisis is once again laid bare for the world to see, the Maldives will not waver in its steadfast support for Palestine nor will it regress in condemning the serious injustices committed in the occupied territories, as recent as last week.

Mr President,

The Maldives welcomes the statement by the President of the State of Palestine; His Excellency Mahmoud Abbas delivered yesterday afternoon in the General Assembly. We commend his extraordinary vision, and his leadership of the Palestinian people in the face of an endless struggle for freedom.

My Delegation wishes to express its appreciation to the Secretary General for his efforts, in the compilation of the report in accordance with General Assembly resolution 66/17, we would also like to thank the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for its report and the commendable achievements of the Committee over the past years.

The observations in the reports of the General Assembly once again demonstrate that a peaceful settlement to the Question of Palestine, and the wider Arab-Israeli conflict lies in a two-state solution`, living side by side on the basis of pre-1967 borders, with Jerusalem as the shared capital of the two states. It also shows that efforts to achieve a negotiated settlement are being quickly eroded away by the lack of trust between the two sides to resume direct negotiations, as well as an alarming lack of confidence in the peace process itself.

Mr President,

The Maldives strongly backed the initiative by the Palestinians last year for full membership in the United Nations.We did so, while fully adhering to the view that it was long overdue for Palestine to be an equal amongst nations, and to join an international family that has passionately supported the struggle of all Palestinians.

Furthermore, we hold a strong belief in the conviction, that their right to self-determination must be fully realized. Statehood will bring a sense of leadership, responsibility and compulsion that surrounds the business of governance. The restoration of Palestinians rights would also alleviate to some extent their socio-economic problems, a crumbling infrastructure and decades of psychological and material damage endured under occupation.

While an independent, viable and sovereign State of Palestine is the ultimate objective; we believe that granting the status of a Non-Member Observer State in the General Assembly, is a landmark achievement. In this regard, my delegation was pleased to join the list co-sponsors on the draft resolution L.28, entitled “the Status of Palestine in the United Nations” that was adopted by this Assembly with an overwhelming level support and endorsement by the UN membership.

Mr President,

My Government hails the recent ceasefire that came into effect between Hamas and Israel. We commend the Egyptian Government, the United States and the United Nations for their exemplary leadership in preventing a further escalation of the crisis. Military strikes on highly populated areas in Gaza took the lives of many innocent civilians including women and children, while adding to the layers of destruction and rubble left by years of hardship, an illegal Israeli blockade and ground invasions in recent memory. We also call upon Hamas to cease all rocket attacks on the State of Israel, and to respect and uphold the ceasefire agreement to avoid further bloodshed and suffering.

Israel’s expansion of illegal settlements undermines peace efforts, and is at the crux of the current stalemate faced by the global community. Despite international outrage and a multiplication of calls to cease all settlement activity immediately, Israel as the occupying power, continues to operate with total impunity, making a mockery of international humanitarian and human rights law. The forced eviction of Palestinians, and the demolition of their homes to make way for Israeli settlers, could not be described as anything other than an outright and an illegal seizure of territory by an occupying power. In the interest of pursing meaningful negotiations and a lasting peace, the onus is on Israel, as the occupying power to demonstrate its obligations under international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, to cease all illegal settlement activity in the occupied territories.

Mr President,

In conclusion, I wish to reiterate the commitment of` the Government of Maldives to support all international efforts to seek a just and comprehensive settlement to the question of Palestinian Statehood, including all final status issues.

The urgency of achieving this crucial objective is evident, as the Palestinians find themselves surrounded by Arab freedom movements in neighboring countries. Both fight for common goals, a sacred belief that their destiny should be squarely in their own hands, and for a better world for future generations. Both also believe, that the responsibility to govern would bring pragmatism and accountability for their own actions.

The resolution that was adopted yesterday is an important step in that direction. It is time for the Palestinians to achieve statehood, and to decide their future free from occupation, intimidation and aggression.

I thank you Mr President.


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