UNGA Statements

UNGA73 (2018)

Statement by the Maldives on Israeli Practices Affecting Human Rights of Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territory

Statement delivered by  

Mr Ahmed Nasir, First Secretary 

on Israeli Practices Affecting Human Rights of Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territory 

13 November 2018 

Thank you, Mr Chair,  

 My Delegation recognises and appreciates the important work of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the human rights of Palestinian people and wishes to express its gratitude to the members of the Committee.   

Mr Chair,  

It has been more than seven decades since the people of Palestine have been subjected to discrimination, torture, and death, as a result of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and Arab lands. The policies of apartheid, blockade, and the denial of basic human rights need to be reversed as a starting point for a two-State solution, where both Palestine and Israel could live side by side in peace and harmony, respecting and protecting the human rights of each other.   

The Report of the Secretary General outlines the continued violation of human rights and the disregard for international law in the Palestinian territories, including the East Jerusalem. The violations include, but not limited to, the demolition of homes and the forced eviction of Palestinian families; punitive arrests, unfair trials, torture of detainees and the use of excessive or lethal force against nonviolent demonstrations.   

The Maldives condemns these actions and policies of Israel, and call on Israel to return to the right side of international law. The strategy for acquiring peace should always be by peaceful means, not violence. The closure of Gaza and imposing restrictions that limit supply of electricity and water, restricting access to medical care, educational and economic opportunities will not create peace; instead such policies will perpetuate poverty, leaving approximately three quarters of Gaza people to rely on humanitarian assistance.    

We, the international community, have a special responsibility to ensure that the decisions we make, the Resolutions we pass, are implemented in full and in good faith. We have to identify the obstacles that stand in the way of implementing such Resolutions, and take actions to overcome such obstacles, through bilateral as well as multilateral means.   

There is therefore an urgent need for creating an environment of respect for the human rights of Palestinian people, a situation where there are no incitements or provocations, and where the fundamental freedom of people are not suppressed by fear and oppression. The Maldives therefore, reiterates its strong and steadfast support for the rights of the Palestinian people, and for their right to self-determination. The Maldives reiterate its call for a two-State solution on the basis of 1967 borders, and with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.   

The Maldives reiterates its unwavering support to Palestine in seeking the international community’s political recognition it deserves, and we fully support Palestine in its efforts to become a full Member of the United Nations.

I thank you.

Statement by the Maldives on Comprehensive Review of the Special Political Missions

Statement delivered by  

Mr Ahmed Suzil, First Secretary 

on Comprehensive Review of the Special Political Missions

5 November 2018 

Mr Chair,  

Since this is the first time my delegation is taking the floor, let me offer our congratulations to you Mr Chair and members of the Bureau on your election to oversee the work of the Committee this session.  

My delegation also appreciates the Report by the Secretary General under this agenda item, which provides an overview of the developments and updates relating to Special Political Missions, and wishes to thank the Secretary General for his commitment improve the effective functioning of the work of Special Political Missions, placing prevention at its core.  

Mr Chair,  

The Maldives supports and encourages the Secretary General’s ongoing efforts to strengthen the UN system, including necessary adjustments to the peace and security architecture, thereby increasing the ability of United Nations to better deliver on its mandate. Special Political Missions, through its versatile operations play a vital role in responding to situations of violent conflict and peace negotiations. When designed properly, Special Political Missions can be an effective tool for preventive diplomacy. In this regard, we welcome efforts made to increase the cooperation and support to regional and sub-regional organizations.  

In light of the complex global challenges, Special Political Missions have a more important role in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Prevention is the key and it begins by better understanding the interrelationship between very complex, underlying causes of the conflict. A swift and concerted action by all stakeholders are much needed--by investing on expertise and other means to keep such operations more effective more adaptable, better tailored to the specific reality they are subjected to.  

The Maldives is of the view that the mandate of Special Political Missions should ensure the relevance between the Mission and the challenges prevailing in the host country, importantly addressing the root cause of conflicts. A clear mandate, coherent and achievable in nature is crucial to ensure the relevancy of its operation. However, emphasis has to be placed on the principles of national ownership, sovereign integrity, and unique political, economic and social circumstances of the host country.    

On many occasions, the Maldives has also highlighted the importance of representation and participation of women in decision-making roles on peace and post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation. Positive outcomes are many from the inclusion of women and gender perspective in the peace process. It is a proven fact that the inclusion of women in the peace process results in more durable and sustainable peace, while we witness notable progress in the social and economic sector with women’s contributions. The Special Political Missions therefore, must prioritise meaningful participation and empowerment of women across all mandates and most importantly including gender perspective in mandate renewals. In this regard we acknowledge the inclusive approach and all its efforts of prioritizing engagement of actors, particularly gender of women in all forms of mediation, post-conflict recovery.   

The Maldives will always be a partner that stands ready to work with the UN in making sure that special political missions are successful in preventing conflicts and in sustaining peace.

I thank you.


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